If you are rich enough and you already have a well-established website or blog or having great products or services to sell, you can even get on PayPerPost as an advertiser, getting some bloggers to post and make a buzz of your goods! And you pay them for doing so!
What about Performancing? In short, it's a community for professional bloggers! It eases your blog publishing by providing FREE WYSIWYG blog editor, which works well with major blog softwares and supports Trackback, Technorati and Del.icio.us. Other than this, it helps you track by its statistics and even leads you to get paid for blogging. I'll cover more on Performancing on my next post. I haven't even got my own Performancing account, as I'm a part-time not a full-time yet. I'm gonna sign up for one now, explore it, so I can tell you more in my next post!
Via my other blog :)