A million penguins Wiki, fullfills your writer's dream

You've been longing to show off your novel writing talent, and dreaming that one day you would achieve as what the Harry Porter's author did, selling millions of copies of your novel around the world! Now, here is the chance for you to show off your talent. A Wiki-based story or novel submission website by the De MonFort University of Leicester, UK, is here to help you out showing your writing talent to the world through its collaborative novel writing website.
Its main aim is to get talented writer into a collaborative manner, which story or short novel submitted will be getting fixed on AMillionPenguins.com till the stage of a final, complete and best appealing novel. It adopts the open source concept that open source software such as Linux, Tomcat, Apache etc were being fixed for bugs and defects and improved to the stage that can compete or outperform many commercial software today! For writers who wanna join this WiKi-based creative writing exercise, you really have to put down your ego! If you're the one getting yourself confined in your own room, then you better don't this. Lets keep an eye if any great novels be born in the following years from AMillionPenguins.com
The website was reported crashed due to too many hits on the first day of launch. It was getting around 10 uniques in a second!
Technorati: Wiki,writer,novel,novelist,AMillionPenguins
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